Profu’ de experimente e un spectacol inedit, original și educativ,în care spectatorii (elevi, profesori, aparținători, etc.) își pot verifica, sau pot să își însușească, după caz, cunoștințe elementare de fizică și chimie în cadrul unui show interactiv, susținut de profesorul trăsnit. Spectacolul va prezenta practic câteva experimente fizice și chimice. Aceste experimente vor fi făcute la scară mare în spectacol, dar vor putea fi replicate la scară mică de către elevi și profesori.
Empowering Youth: The Erasmus+ “Democracy Power: Communication and Relationships” Project in Bicăcel
Experiment Teatru Clandestin offers a range of educational and creative workshops in the performing arts, including acting, choreography, music, cinema, and fashion design. Our programs are designed for diverse target groups: children, young people, and adults. Our inclusive approach ensures everyone can participate and thrive.
Children: Engage in fun, educational activities that foster creativity and personal growth.
Young People: Explore your passions and develop new skills in various arts disciplines.
Adults: Continue your education in the arts and connect with like-minded individuals.
Participants also experience country living, learning to respect nature and animals while participating in self-management initiatives. This is not a luxury facility but a community of diverse individuals from different countries, offering a peaceful and enriching environment.
Join Us
We offer short, medium, or long-term learning and experimentation opportunities, with accommodation and meals provided. Come celebrate life, nature, and friendship with us in our corner of Heaven.